Project Task Project Name in workflow

I’m trying to create a set of predefined project tasks in a workflow.

But when it comes to setting the tasks Project Name value - The only field values available are: none, id, modified by name, created by, project manager and project template.

Am I missing something ?


im assuming you want it so that it creates a new project task within the project that you have just created?


Yep. Thats exactly what I want but failing miserable


So what you want to do is have the project name->field->id

also ‘relate to workflow module’ set as true’

then add another line that is this

Name->value->‘the name of the task you want’

i’ve added a picture to help you out!


Just to clarify for people reading this post in future

This will create a Project Task within the newly created Project.

Thank you. Works a treat. Should have come here in the first place.

David :slight_smile:

Cool no problem! Always remember to keep calm and Open Source!

Darren :slight_smile:

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