Hi, i started to modify the controller.php file in modules/AM_ProjectTemplates
in order to
- allow users to use “1 Day” Project Task where date end = date start
- allow users to use Project Tasks with the same order_number value, so that Tasks would start in the same date
- i explicit the duration_unit=“Days” because in my istance, if i select duration = 1 Day, the system created Tasks that started in a day and ended in the follower.
i didn’t consider “Finish to Start” or “Start to Start” directive.
Is there anyone who want to contribute?
if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class AM_ProjectTemplatesController extends SugarController {
function action_create_project(){
global $current_user, $db;
$project_name = $_POST['p_name'];
$template_id = $_POST['template_id'];
$project_start = $_POST['start_date'];
//Get project start date
$dateformat = $current_user->getPreference('datef');
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $project_start);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
$duration_unit = 'Days';
//$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("name:". $project_name." id:".$template_id);
//Get the project template
$template = new AM_ProjectTemplates();
//create project from template
$project = new Project();
$project->name = $project_name;
$project->estimated_start_date = $start;
$project->status = $template->status;
$project->priority = $template->priority;
$project->description = $template->description;
$project->assigned_user_id = $template->assigned_user_id;
/* #LS - check if there is more than one task with same order_number => this means each should have the same date_start */
/* se il nuovo ordine non è superiore all'ordine precedente, allora non incrementare date_start */
//Get related project template tasks. Using sql query so that the results can be ordered.
$get_tasks = "SELECT * FROM am_tasktemplates
IN (
SELECT am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_tasktemplates_idb
FROM am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplates_c
WHERE am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_projecttemplates_ida = '".$template_id."'
AND deleted =0
AND deleted =0
ORDER BY am_tasktemplates.order_number ASC";
$tasks = $db->query($get_tasks);
//Create new project tasks from the template tasks
while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($tasks))
$project_task = new ProjectTask();
$project_task->name = $row['name'];
$project_task->status = $row['status'];
$project_task->priority = $row['priority'];
$project_task->percent_complete = $row['percent_complete'];
$project_task->predecessors = $row['predecessors'];
$project_task->milestone_flag = $row['milestone_flag'];
$project_task->relationship_type = $row['relationship_type'];
$project_task->task_number = $row['task_number'];
$project_task->order_number = $row['order_number'];
$project_task->estimated_effort = $row['estimated_effort'];
$project_task->utilization = $row['utilization'];
$project_task->assigned_user_id = $row['assigned_user_id'];
$project_task->description = $row['description'];
$project_task->duration = $row['duration'];
/* #LS - set duration_unit as default = "Days" */
$project_task->duration_unit = $duration_unit;
$project_task->project_task_id = $count;
//Flag to prevent after save logichook running when project_tasks are created (see custom/modules/ProjectTask/updateProject.php)
$project_task->set_project_end_date = 0;
if($count == '1'){
$project_task->date_start = $start;
/* #LS - if duration = 1 Day then: Date Finish = Date Start */
if ($row['duration']== 1){
$project_task->date_finish = $start;
$enddate = $startdate;
$project_task->date_finish = $end;
$enddate = $startdate->modify('+'.$row['duration'].' '.$duration_unit);
$end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
/* #LS - oldorder */
$oldorder = $project_task->order_number;
$enddate_array[$count] = $end;
$startdate_array[$count] = $start;
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Data Inizio: ".$start." DATA FINE: ".$end."<BR>");
else {
/* #LS - if the order_number hasn't been increased, so it's still the same as in previous */
if ($oldorder == $project_task->order_number){
$id_start_date = $count - 1;
//$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("id_start_date=".$id_start_date." enddate_array[".$id_start_date."]:". $enddate_array[$id_start_date]);
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $startdate_array[$id_start_date]);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
$project_task->date_start = $start;
$enddate = $startdate->modify('+'.$row['duration'].' '.$duration_unit);
$end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
/* #LS - if duration = 1 Days Then: Date Finish = Date Start */
if ($row['duration']== 1)
$project_task->date_finish = $start;
$project_task->date_finish = $end;
$enddate = $end;
$enddate_array[$count] = $end;
$startdate_array[$count] = $start;
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Data Inizio: ".$start." DATA FINE: ".$end."<BR>");
}//if oldorder not increased
$id_start_date = $count - 1;
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $enddate_array[$id_start_date]);
//$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("DATE:". $enddate_array[$id_start_date]);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
$project_task->date_start = $start;
$enddate = $startdate->modify('+'.$row['duration'].' '.$duration_unit);
$end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
/* #LS - if duration = 1 Days Then: Date Finish = Date Start */
if ($row['duration']== 1)
$project_task->date_finish = $start;
$project_task->date_finish = $end;
$enddate = $end;
$enddate_array[$count] = $end;
$startdate_array[$count] = $start;
}//else order_number increased
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Data Inizio: ".$start." DATA FINE: ".$end."<BR>");
//link tasks to the newly created project
//Add assigned users from each task to the project resourses subpanel
//set project end date to the same as end date of the last task
$project->estimated_end_date = $end;
//redirect to new project
SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage('New project created.');
$params = array(
'module'=> 'Project',
'record' => $project->id,
SugarApplication::redirect('index.php?' . http_build_query($params));