Problems with Times in Calendar Suite CRM

I am posting as I have been working for days on this.

  1. I have an installation of Suite CRMv 7.10.10
  2. I can create an event on the calendar- this ‘saves’ at e.g. 14:00. The event record clearly states e.g. 14:00.
  3. The problem is that the event is displayed as a ‘box’ on the calendar 2 hours earlier to the time it was saved.
  4. I have changed the timezone of the user but also the default timezone via admin to London.
  5. The server is located in Iceland but this does not explain the problem as Iceland is 1 hour behind and not 2 hours.

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

I believe this was a bug, and that it’s already fixed. You can check the live demo (latest version) to see if it happens there. (user: will, pass: will)