Version 7.2.1
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)
I created 2 custom modules. One called Members and one called Attendance. On Attendance I have a relationship setup for one to many to related module Members. In Attendance I created a related to field and pointed it to members. When I add a member in Attendance and go to Listview and click on member name I get the below error.
Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.
Got it sorted. I had my relationships wrong.
I’m also having the same issue… Could you please tell me how did you solve this? It’s really frustrating
I switched relationships. I had relationship setup from Members to Attendance. Switched it to Attendance to Members.
Still doesn’t work, unfortunately I gave up. The only thing that’s different is that I’m trying to link a module with a custom module instead of both being custom modules.
would have to test but just curios, would this not be possible by adding a field in vardefs that have a custom function that pulls info from the related module?