Problem with the installation of SuiteCRM 7.5

Hello mate´s,

Best regards,

I´m a former user of SugarCRM CE and I´m trying to install the latest version of SuiteCRM. All seems well at the start of the installation, but goes so far and doesn´t advance.

Attempt to enter the directory where the installation should be and I can´t access the interface, I get a message telling me to check my file suitecrm.log

In reviewing this file it is what appears:

Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.currencies' doesn't exist
Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE  custom_module='Users' AND  deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.fields_meta_data' doesn't exist
Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE  custom_module='Employees' AND  deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.fields_meta_data' doesn't exist
Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE  custom_module='UserPreferences' AND  deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.fields_meta_data' doesn't exist
Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE  custom_module='Administration' AND  deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.fields_meta_data' doesn't exist
Tue Jan 19 14:27:15 2016 [24978][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system settings Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Table 'mariasal_tcrm.config' doesn't exist

In advance thank you very much for answering and help me solve this problem, to finally migrate to SuiteCRM.


Daniel M.
New SuiteCRM User