Problem with filters and maps

iā€™ve found a way to fix it. in the map contrller, on line 951 iā€™ve put this control

$filter = "";
		if($_SESSION['export_where'] && empty($_REQUEST['uid']))
			$filter = " AND ".$_SESSION['export_where'];
		$query = $query. str_replace ('where','',$filter);

so if there arenā€™t uid sent, i check the export_where in session. and works

Cool! Is this fix good enough that we can put it into the main code?

Actually iā€™ve tested only for the filter applied on account. Because is the only module that my client needs to geolocalize. For the caccounts works

Let me check with you exactly where that code should be inserted - is it after this line here?

EDITED for clarity, to match the line indicated in the reply below

replace the var_dump($query) with my code. Remember, iā€™m using an old version of the crm.

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Can you please open an issue with this on Github, and propose the solution?

I had this same problem with version 7.11.22
GianlucaSedocā€™s solution worked for me.
I opened a Github issue: