When I apply the upgrade, I get a long series of errors - but they’re all closely related (many versions referencing lines 93, 94, 95).
/scrap/src/imap-2006d/tmail/tmail.c in /home/expresso/staff/modules/UpgradeWizard/systemCheck.php on line 93
Warning: fileowner(): stat failed for /home/mydir /scrap/src/imap-2006d/tmail/tmail.c in /home/expresso/staff/modules/UpgradeWizard/systemCheck.php on line 94
Warning: filegroup(): stat failed for /home/mydir /scrap/src/imap-2006d/tmail/tmail.c in /home/expresso/staff/modules/UpgradeWizard/systemCheck.php on line 95
I tried changing permissions (recursively) to 777 for the scrap directory - didn’t make a difference.
27 October 2015 09:52
It may be worth ensuring that Warnings/Strict Standards don’t show on your instance as this can cause issues with functionality, such as the upgrade Wizard.
You can do this via your php.ini file or if you enter the line:
into your SuiteCRM’s index.php file, above the include line, like image attached, and save the changes.
CTRL+F5 on your CRM’s Page to refresh Page & Cache, then run through the Upgrade Wizard again.
This time it should complete successfully.
Since this happens so often, why not put it in the standard and reduce the number of repeated posts in the forum?
I made the change you suggested to my index.php, but I still have the same error.
I also tried changing the permissions on these directories to 777 (from 775) - this also did not make a difference.
28 October 2015 14:13
Taking a look at these lines in the systemcheck.php file, it looks like it is related to the apache user/Group that is set on your instance.
You should run this command on your instance:
sudo chown -R : .
and replace and with your system’s apache owner/group
i.e: Ubuntu will use www-data and www-data, centOS will use apache and apache, respectively.
So, for example, if you are running Ubuntu the command will be:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
After this, navigate to your config.php file.
find the following array:
‘default_permissions’ =>
array (
‘dir_mode’ => ,
‘file_mode’ => ,
‘user’ => ‘’,
‘group’ => ‘’,
We usually recommend the following for this:
‘default_permissions’ =>
array (
‘dir_mode’ => 1517,
‘file_mode’ => 420,
‘user’ => ‘’,
‘group’ => ‘’,
Again, setting and to the correct values in regards to the Apache owner/group.
Save the config.php file, Do a Quick Repair & rebuild, try the Upgrade process again.
Still no…
Ownership is the same everywhere…
I checked config.php My version was set to
‘dir_mode’ => 1528,
‘file_mode’ => 432,
I tried your values - no change.
Still stuck at 7.1.8
4 November 2015 16:08
What values did you use in place of and in the:
sudo chown -R : .
To make sure that you’re setting this in the right location, use the cd command to move into your instance and then run the commands:
sudo chown -R <user>:<group> .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Making sure to replace and with your instance’s apache user and group.
I don’t think I can execute the chown command; my ISP sets the ownership on the directory tree - and it looks the same as everywhere else.
But - I can change permissions (755, 775, etc.) - still hasn’t had the result I need.
Something else must be the wrong - it’s only the /scrap/src/imap-2006d directory that’s causing this problem.