Problem importing data into suitecrm 8.7

In order to migrate from a 7.12 version to 8.7 without taking with it a set of issues I have been experiencing in suitecrm after severl upgrades I whanted to try to install a fresh 8.7 suitcrm (used the bitnami docker image) and then export the data from the old crm and import-it into 8.7.
the problem I am facing is during the import process. In the las step when it requests to select fields to check for duplicates, it simply does not show any fields to select and I am stuck in that stage.
Has anyone experienced this before?

Can you please check your CRM logs, also please mentioned the module where you are facing this issue while import?

Thanks a lot

For veryones information, the problem seems to be related with the language pack I was using when importing de data into SuiteCRM 8.7.
When I did it with the english language enabled, it worked as expected.

I was facing this issue in all modules when trying to import. In the last step, when the applicatin asks to select the fields to use to detect duplicates, it simply did not display anything to allow me to select any fields. The issue seems to be related to using a language pack other than english, At the time I had the CA language selected.

if you do it with English does it works fine?