Portuguese Package Upload

Hello all,

I am trying to upload the pt_BR_SuiteCRM_v7301.zip

But the system shows that the package is invalid, I’ve tried to change the extension (7zip, tar), but nothing works.

Could someone help me?


This package uploads successfully for me.

Please make sure that the package you are installing is the correct package for your SuiteCRM version.

i.e, the package is for v7.3.1, so it would be a good idea to ensure that your SuiteCRM version is at least 7.3.1

This could possibly also be a permissions issue.

We recommend running the following commands for the best combination of security/functionality:
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
sudo chown -R : .

Ensure that you replace and with the values your Apache/IIS user and their group.

For example, Ubuntu usually has the Apache user and group of ‘www-data’
so the command will be sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

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B) Hi John

I have upgrade the system to Versão 7.4 RC
Sugar Versão 6.5.20 (Construir 1001) and I have also ran those commands you sent me.

Now the packages was uploaded and the users can start enjoying our mother language!

Thank you a lot! SuiteCRM is a great system and a amazing support!
