Permissions on files

I used to run a Bitnami installation (until a couple of months ago), From what I know, the web server is supposed to run as user ā€œdaemonā€ (which belongs to group ā€œbitnamiā€).

So your cron seems to be running as the correct user, but for some reason the web server isnā€™t (if Iā€™m not mistaken).

If you can try changing your web server to run as daemon/bitnami, then fix all permissions manually for one last time, then things should run smoothly in the future.

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How do I change the webserver to run as daemon? I can look up the specifics just a general direction would be helpful so I know what to search for.

That I donā€™t know.

My only suggestion is to look for Bitnami-specific instructions, theyā€™re quite peculiar. My experience asking for help in their forums is very positive.

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I solved the problem. After looking at problem directories during the upgrade, I realized that they all were using daemon user/group, so I changed my crontab to run under the user ā€œdaemonā€. That solved the problem.

Thanks for your help.
