Permissions for cache/jsLanguage

On ver 7.11.1, I have been getting errors relative to the permissions for cache/jsLanguage. They occur during sessions with a valid, logged in user (myself), for example:

unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that ‘/blahbalh/cache/jsLanguage/’ is executable

The permissions on this directory are 770.

If the permissions are incorrect, then there is likely an error in the installation, as the permissions have never been set other than during installation or upgrade.
If the permissions are correct, then there seems to be a bug related to , which is the referrer

Anyone know what the correct permissions should be?

Permissions don’t mean anything without ownerships. Please check that your files and directories are owned by the same user that is running your web server (www-data, apache, or whatever it is).

Note that this has to be done by the sysadmin, not by SuiteCRM’s installer (which can’t guess the settings you prefer, and even if it could, it can’t push itself up on the permissions ladder - if you haven’t given it access to write, you probably haven’t given it access to change permissions also).

Try checking the ownerships and then tell me if you succeed - there might be other factors involved (.htaccess, for example)

The problem is not in the ownership.

A simple answer to the question about what the permissions should be would be helpful.

The recommended permissions are here:

Near the beginning, section “Copying SuiteCRM files to web server”