Hi, so I’ve followed every guide I can google and is applicable and still can’t get SuiteCRM to be responsive.
The problem is XHR requests for every action are at minimum 2.5 seconds long (optimal conditions, single user, single request, caches fully populated)
I have installed Memcache and Zend Opcache with sane settings. Set php and MySQL to generous values, which work very well on other servers with higher traffic (prestashop, wordpress,…).
ListView size is 30, subpanels is 10.
It is a single VPS server with 1x2.4GHz, SSD, 2GiB RAM. I am planning to throw another core and 6GiB RAM at it to see if it helps. But it is serving 5 users at once at peak time, it should not be this slow.
how many Accounts records you have? how many Contacts do you have? take a look at this post https://suitecrm.com/forum/suitecrm-7-0-discussion/3953-general-advice-on-suitecrm-setup#15643
best regards
Not that much, about 12k Leads and insignificant number of Accounts. And 400MiB of emails in DB.
After throwing at it a bit more ram and cores, I’ve been getting reports that it is indeed more responsive.
I can confirm that, but I think there is a problem with the Admin account. When I am logged in as an Administrator, responses are >2secs, but normal users are fine.
Actually normal users who have only limited access to Leads. When I log in as a user with full access rights the responses are sluggish. And not just Leads module, in every module.
I think this will need profiling on a vbox… To see what is actually going on.
If you get Jim Mackin’s e-Book “SuiteCRM for Developers” there’s a very nice section on improving performance.