PDF Templates - Full localized month name

I need to add the Full localized month name in a PDF Template and I’m not getting it. So far I have tried to use the date plugin itself that comes in the TinyMCE editor using:

The problem is that with the F it only shows the name of the month in English.
If I use it with %B
{DATE %B} it doesn’t work only show some numbers.

I’m trying to put the name of the month of the current date in Portuguese, instead of February should come Fevereiro.

I ask for help. Thanks in advance

It does not require uiteCRM customization, but server configuration instead:

Find bellow tips for Linux

Make sure you have installed the locale pt_BR in your server:

locale-gen pt_BR

locale-gen pt_BR.UTF-8

Edit your php.ini in order to set default locale (attribute intl.default_locale to be set accordingly)
Restart your web server.
This is it!


Thanks for the quick response. Here are some comments about it.

Using locale -a to get the list of what I have available I came across with these and other values:
In other words, it is not necessary to download new locales.

Using the locale command I found that the default locale was: en_US.UTF-8

After changing using the command:
localectl set-locale LANG = pt_BR.utf8
and restart the server, now as a locale command I get the value of the default locale in pt_BR.utf8

So far, so good!

Checking my php.ini it already contained the following settings:
from default value: date.timezone = PRC
to: date.timezone = America/Bahia
from default value commented: ;intl.default_locale = "with no value"
to uncommented: intl.default_locale = pt_BR.utf8

It is worth mentioning that the only thing I did other than what was already configured was to set the default locale on the server and restart it.

Now i’m trying to print a PDF, i have the system loading. It loads and ends up not generating the file. At the end I get an error 502.

Double check the apache error_logs, hopefully there is some clue in there.

I ended up solving the problem of loading. But even with all the changes in php.ini and in the system default locale, February is still coming out in English.

Check in Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo what is the exact path of your php.ini file, is that the one you’ve been editing?

You can also check the effective locale and timezone settings, see if they are taking effect as intended.

Finally, a suggestion for a workaround: if you discover the templates are simply too dumb to respect timezone, you can add an additional field in the record, with the name of the month in Portuguese. Use a Workflow or a Logic hook to fill it in, when the date changes. Then use that field in the template.