Hi, I just created a new installation of version 1.7.3 and I realized that does not work page in the Admin -> Password Management.
It displays a blank page.
You may depend on what? Installing SuiteCRM is clean and newly installed.
Thanks for the support
Run a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair.
Ensure your permissions are set correctly.
If this does not resolve your issue, check your php error logs and CRM error log(suitecrm.log) and also turn on php errors.
Hi Will, thanks for the reply. My installation is localhost XAMPP.
I looked at the log files and found errors in the language files it_IT.lang.
Precisely there are errors from line 339 to line 357
After correcting the errors now it works.
Maybe you need to correct even the language pack available for download.
Thanks for the support