Version 7.10.4
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
We have “Inherit from Created by User”, “Inherit from Assigned To User” and “Inherit from Parent Record” enabled in the SuiteCRM SecuritySuite settings.
So if I create an Account and assign it to Joe, the account inherits my security group and Joe’s security group. Joe manages the account, adds some Contacts, Opportunities and Notes. But then Joe quits. So now Mary takes over the account. When Mary becomes the “Assigned To”, the account inherits her security group (and we have to manually remove Joe’s). However, Mary CANNOT see any of the related/child records such as Contacts, Opportunities or Notes.
It seems like the Group Inheritance settings affects records upon update but the “Inherit from Parent Record” does not. What do we need to do so that when the “Assigned To” on an Account changes, the security group on the related/child records also update.