Outgoing Email - Problem after Upgrade

Hello SuiteCRM friends,

your frequent updates are nice, but you should not erase the basic function of email sending again.

After upgrading to 7.7.7 ALL outgoing Emails stoped with the message

Error:SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting

There are a lot of discussions of this problems in the forum -
but NO SOLUTION yet.

Without email support your work on SuiteCRM is completly useless.

Please find a QUICK SOLUTION and post it here.

Could you please provide more information on this issue?

I can set up my outgoing email successfully and there doesn’t seem to be a GitHub issue open for this

email problem is detected.
It’s NOT the SuiteCRM code.

It was a problem on with our a2-hosting-package, not allowing external email servers any more.