Opportunities - Selecting Multiple Accounts


SuiteCRM 7.4.1

In our Opportunities module, users would like to be able to add accounts and possibly multiple accounts to be associated with one opportunity.

I have added a one to many relationship between opps and accounts.
I have added a Relate Field from opportunities to Accounts, and that works great. I can select ONE Account to be associated with the opportunity. But is there a way to select multiple accounts?
I can just create Relevant Account1: and Relevant Account2: fields, etc… but that doesn’t look very neat. I was wondering if there is any way to make it a multi select field.

Usually with that sort of relationship (One to Many) you add multiple records to the one module via the Subpanel on the module’s detail view.

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Thanks for that. That makes sense.

I’ve done the same for users so we can have multiple users associated with opportunities.

One more annoying question with this. When we update anything on an opportunity you can assign that note / call / whatever to a user and they get an email about it. But is there any way to get the emails to go to multiple users. So for example we have added 5 users who have something to do with a specific opportunity, but a different opportunity might have another group of 5 different users. or 7 users or 2 users… Short of actually creating 100s of different group combinations and assigning them each a different email address for that group that then distributes the email to all members of that group i’m struggling to work out how I could update ALL users that there is a note on that opportunity even though it’s only assigned to one of them.

So we want emails going out to all users assigned to a opportunity even thought they might not directly be involved in that particular call / note.

Unfortunately that problem looks like it requires development to send an email to all related users to a record. The current Workflow functionality can only send emails to Assigned Users, All Users, or Users within a particular role/group.

The solution would really depend on when exactly you wish users to be informed. For example, do members get informed when particular fields are updated on the Opportunity? Or do they get informed when a call/task/note is associated with the Opportunity? Or even both?

If the former then a logic_hook within the Opportunity can be executed on an ‘after_save’ that would get the users from itself and email them using SugarPHPMailer and send the email out via the logic_hook. The latter I would suggest is that when a note is saved that it updates the Opportunity by a flag that will then activate the logic_hook I spoke about in the former.

Hope that makes sense.

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