Open popup windows in customcontroller SuiteCRM

Dear all,
I have done create new action in bulk action in Listview by
Part 1:
Part 2:
In part 2, i want to show popup window, please guide me how to create popup window?

class CustomAccountsController extends SugarController
    public function action_displaypassedids() {
        if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) ) {
            $recordIds = explode(',',$_REQUEST['uid']);
            foreach ( $recordIds as $recordId ) {
                $bean = SugarModule::get($_REQUEST['module'])->loadBean();
                echo "Sent Record ID {$bean->id}, name ".$bean->get_summary_text()."";
           //I want to show popup window at here!!!

Thanks a lot!

I don’t know the answer, sorry. Look for existing popup windows and try to copy the code. I know it uses a framework called Yahoo UI, or “YUI”.

Note that my gists are calling a different page, and if you want a popup, you probably don’t want any redirects, you want to stay on the same page.

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