One of the two required fields to be filled in accounts module

If you get a blank page my first guess is that there is a syntax error somewhere.
Can you check your system logs please?

In your code I noticed that there are two slashes in the path to your first file:

instead of:

(I don’t think that this is the problem though, but it may have to be corrected).

Additionally: is there a particular reason why you are not extending the class "OpportunitiesViewEdit " with something like "CustomOpportunitiesViewEdit ":

class OpportunitiesViewEdit extends ViewEdit

as opposed to:

class CustomOpportunitiesViewEdit extends OpportunitiesViewEdit

You may be overwriting some code that may be necessary, by doing this.

The error occurs while entering this part of the code.

$viewdefs [‘Opportunities’][‘EditView’][‘templateMeta’][‘form’][‘buttons’][0] =
array (
‘customCode’ => “<input type=‘submit’ name=‘save’ id=‘save’ onClick=“this.form.return_action.value=‘DetailView’; return customJavascriptValidation (‘EditView’);” value=‘Save’>”,

What is the correct position to insert it? Is the code correct?

My bad!

Really had a syntax error in the code had not closed ¨), ¨.
However, now if the script is active the changes are not saved in the registry.

Can you help me?

I don’t understand what you are trying to say when you say that the changes are not saved in the registry. (What changes? What registry?)

We are also looking for similar thing, let me know if you can kindly help us for below.

In continuation of above mail tread, We wanted to add another checkboxes, under form of Fields tab (under each module - screenshot below), The objective of insertion of the field is to ensure that there are no duplicate available in the system for a particular variable defined by the client.

Request to please help us where we should do customization so that same form is updated across all modules and changes are available.