Not possible to create task and assign to coworker

I encountered the problem that I cannot create a Task and assign it to a coworker.
As Administrator it is no problem but not as a user who has the right to create and assign tasks. The log always says, that the DB has gone.
My way:
I go to create a new Task
enter a subject
assign it to a colleague

And when I press “Save” it crashes.

Is this a know problem, is it only my problem or is it no problem at all because I did something wrong with the settings?


edit: The admin can also only assign to himself.

edit 2:
Mon Sep 11 09:58:40 2017 [31489][923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77][FATAL] Error inserting into table: tasks: Query Failed: INSERT INTO tasks (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,description,deleted,assigned_user_id,status,date_due_flag,date_due,date_start_flag,date_start,parent_type,parent_id,contact_id,priority)
VALUES (‘2cd11d91-b2c9-0ded-98d6-59b65de4fbbf’,‘lalalal’,‘2017-09-11 09:53:40’,‘2017-09-11 09:53:40’,‘923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77’,‘923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77’,’’,0,‘2d692200-cb9f-8bcb-67a6-59b641c98c1b’,‘Completed’,0,‘2017-09-13 11:00:00’,0,‘2017-09-12 11:00:00’,‘Accounts’,’’,’’,‘High’): MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away
Mon Sep 11 09:58:40 2017 [31489][923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77][FATAL] Exception handling in /services/webpages/c/n/
Mon Sep 11 09:58:40 2017 [31489][923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.
Mon Sep 11 09:58:40 2017 [31489][923aa20f-7b5f-5ae0-2bf7-597e4d062c77][FATAL] backtrace:
#0 /services/webpages/c/n/ sugar_die(‘Database failur…’)
#1 /services/webpages/c/n/ DBManager->registerError(‘Error inserting…’, ‘MySQL error 200…’, true)
#2 /services/webpages/c/n/ DBManager->checkError(‘Error inserting…’, true)
#3 /services/webpages/c/n/ MysqliManager->query(‘INSERT INTO tas…’, true, ‘Error inserting…’)
#4 /services/webpages/c/n/ DBManager->insert(Object(Task))
#5 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarBean->save(true)
#6 /services/webpages/c/n/ Task->save(true)
#7 /services/webpages/c/n/ include_once(’/services/webpa…’)
#8 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarView->includeClassicFile(‘modules/Tasks/S…’)
#9 /services/webpages/c/n/ ViewClassic->display()
#10 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarView->process()
#11 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarController->processView()
#12 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarController->execute()
#13 /services/webpages/c/n/ SugarApplication->execute()

The DB has never crashed. And the insert-statement works when executed directly in a db-client.

What is your PHP version? And database version?

Do you have anything in your logs at the time of the failure?

mysql (5.5.55-MariaDB)
php 5.6.30
CRM Version 7.9.1

Well your DB seems to be timing out, could be for many reasons, including MySQL bug, possibly related to some data corruption.

You need to investigate, see if you can try any DB repairs, or index rebuilding, or adjust DB timeout settings.

Check failing disks or network (if DB is on separate computer).

Check if your database is overgrown:

SELECT CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name),
       CONCAT(ROUND(table_rows / 1000000, 2), 'M')                                    rows,
       CONCAT(ROUND(data_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G')                    DATA,
       CONCAT(ROUND(index_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G')                   idx,
       CONCAT(ROUND(( data_length + index_length ) / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G') total_size,
       ROUND(index_length / data_length, 2)                                           idxfrac
FROM   information_schema.TABLES
ORDER  BY data_length + index_length DESC
LIMIT  10;
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Thanks for the answer. The DB is nearly newly setup. I just work for about 1 week with it. there are no problems, except assigning tasks to another employee. I can assign to myself as normal user or admin without problem…my employees are the problem it seems…

This is the result of the statement

information_schema.CHARACTER_SETS NULL 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.meetings 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.documents_contacts 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G 3.61
suitecrm_DB.aos_product_categories 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.accounts_bugs 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
information_schema.PLUGINS NULL 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.project_contacts_1_c 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.folders 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.aow_workflow_audit 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL
suitecrm_DB.am_tasktemplates 0.00M 0.00G 0.00G 0.00G NULL

Is this your own service or are you on a shared hosting?

Can you check syslog for any system errors?
I’m running out if ideas. If this is a new install I would simply try again, going for the newest versions (PHP 7.0 is much better).

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Funny thing is, so far it only occurred with tasks.
Just reassigned customers without any problem.

In my opinion it is a problem with tasks. As I mentioned reassigning is no problem at all except with task. SuiteCrm provides the possibility of a fast reassign on the overview page of the tasks. Here the same problem occurs. Any other reassigning or whatever works, just not the tasks.

I asked you a couple of questions, can you answer them?

If you want to know whether the problem only affects you, or everybody else, you can try it on the online demo:

If you need admin access, use this one instead:

Just a short update.
with the latest Version of the CRM and PHP 7.x it works. Slow but it work.

So this issue can be closed I guess.