No My Filters button on Calls and Meetings


I have “My Filters” button on Tasks list view but not on Calls nor Meetings.
Is it normal behavior or a bug ?


I can’t check right now, but I believe the “My filters” button only appears after you save your first filter for that module.

So you should start with clicking the filter button (has an icon like a funnel), defining an advanced filter and filling in a name and saving it.

If that doesn’t make a “My filters” button appear, then it looks like a bug.

You forgot to say which version of SuiteCRM you’re running…

Version 7.8.7

I have a couple of advanced filters defined but the button does not appear.

Can you please try reproducing this issue on the live demo?

And if it doesn’t work there, please open search Github for this Issue, and it is not already there, open an Issue.


I made on advanced filters for calls, meetinga and tasks (one for each)
“My filters” button has been appeared only on task list.

It seems to be a known issue: