new user-can't create cases

I’ve created inbound email correctly, then I’ve send and email to tis account, but cases will not create. Where I wrong?
Thank you

Hi Ruberto,

You need to set up/activate your scheduler for AOP Check Inbound Mailboxes. If it already is set up, ensure that you have either the windows task created or a *nix cron job as described at the bottom of the schedulers page.

If that is all already in place, check your sugarcrm.log to see why it is not running to completion.



Must I setup someting in scheduler? What?
one question: is an user, not my customer/contact, send em and email and then suitecrm create a cases, in that cases I can see the email of the sender?

Scheduler is a link on the admin page. If you find that, what I wrote earlier will make sense.

To answer your second question, the original email message will be found as a link on the case history.

Thank you so much, there was only an issue for folder permission.
Now ticket are created fine, but there is a way to create contact when ticket is created?
Can I use italian translation for sugarcrm CE 6.5?

the italian language seems to works fine!