New installation issues

ok added the user/group to config.php
chmod all the dirs to 2750
run every repair i could run from admin menu

when i run import now i donā€™t get the result screen anymore which i did get before.
and the below errors are recorder in suitecrm.log

Wed May 12 18:11:41 2021 [1961395][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:14:09 2021 [1961821][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:14:09 2021 [1961821][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:14:09 2021 [1961821][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:15:50 2021 [1962089][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:15:52 2021 [1962098][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:15:52 2021 [1962098][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed May 12 18:15:52 2021 [1962098][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array

PHP 7.3 (starting from SuiteCRM 7.11.5)
PHP 7.4 (starting from SuiteCRM 7.11.19)

1 Like

I was/am using 7.11.19

I added images so u can see the visual results iā€™m getting!

Ok i didnā€™t rlly have time to figure out why SuiteCRM isnā€™t compatible with CentOS.

Is a default install of ubuntu enough if i would like to try to set this up on ubuntu?
Any control panels that work best?
Besides the allrdy mentioned packages.

apt install zip unzip php-mbstring php7.3-mbstring php-gettext php7.3-xml php7.3-zip php7.3-imap php7.3-gd php7.3-curl php7.3-intl php7.3-mysql php-gd phpmyadmin

Thanks in advance

I normally go with Ubuntu Server inside a VM, you can choose 20.04, 18.04, etc.

Install the ā€œlamp-serverā€ to get the stack, then those PHP packages.

I stopped with ubuntu since installing and securring that will take me way too much time.

So i decided to start completely fresh on bare metal.

Problems i discovered in suite CRM

The install script(s) probably use a wrong method for setting permissions and to copy the .htacces file

After a new install i have been monitoring the available logfiles from apache, suitecrm and modsecurity.

As of now no matter what i click inside the gui there are no errors logged anymore.

How did i do thatā€¦

Manually find the false positives in modsecurity, by disabling those rules no more blocks by modsecurity.
Manually copy the .htacces file to the directories that show up in the apache log about missing .htaccess files. so far i found these;

cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Import/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Accounts/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Project/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Calls/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_Invoices/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOR_Reports/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOW_WorkFlow/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOW_Conditions/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOW_Actions/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Contacts/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Opportunities/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Leads/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_Quotes/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Calendar/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Documents/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Emails/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Spots/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Campaigns/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Meetings/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Tasks/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Notes/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_Contracts/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Cases/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Prospects/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/ProspectLists/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AM_ProjectTemplates/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/FP_events/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/FP_Event_Locations/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_Products/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_Product_Categories/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOS_PDF_Templates/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/jjwg_Maps/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/jjwg_Markers/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/jjwg_Areas/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/jjwg_Address_Cache/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOK_KnowledgeBase/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/AOK_Knowledge_Base_Categories/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/EmailTemplates/
cp /server/path/.htaccess /server/path/cache/jsLanguage/Surveys/

After this set permissions again and there are no more errors in any of the 3 log files.


For the big test i tried to import again.
And it fails about the email address again like mentioned in the posts before.

No errors recorded anywhere in those 3 log files.

So this sounds to me that the suiteCRM code somewhere decides that a normal email address shouldnā€™t be accepted anymore.

My question now is what file|line determines if an email address is correct?

Thanks in advance for the answer.

If i get this to work ill make a working dummy guide for peeps on how to install everything from bare metal on CentOS 7 and make it secure as well!

Hopefully someone knows how i can change the false positive check on the mail address.

if you create some records in the CRM Accounts module and EXPORT them as CSV and then try to import them ( changing records data to different values) are you able to import like this?

In previous attempts i indeed tried that and that gave same errors about email, so exported emailadresses give errors about them when u try to reimport that file, without email address import worked for the other fields i tried (didnt try all)


Just hoping someone can tell where the email validation is performed for the import.

Just tried a default installation using softaculous completely default installation no errors.

Give same issues with importing accounts about the email address and also about the ID.
Manually made an account with email address and that works straight away. then export that account and reimport that file without modification.

It errors out about the id may not be longer then 36 chars.
Counted the id in the exported file and it has exactly 36 chars.
When choosing not to import the id field then same error about email is comming back.

Is that due to duplicate email address import? the email address already exists?

it complains about it being an invalid email address

It looks like the bean functionality used by the import is broken.

you can debug the import module to see where you get the error.
/modules/Import/controller.php and /modules/Import/views/view.step3.php are good starting point.