New Installation - Having Trouble with Meetings/Calls

PIC 1I am evaluating SuiteCRM as a replacement for our existing Salesforce CRM. I have Suite CRM installed and running locally on a test box. I installed the demo data as part of the installation. I am having some trouble when I try to create a meeting or log a call. When I try either, after I click save the browser goes blank (white page), and just sits there. When I force the page back to the index.php the meeting or call shows but all the info is missing. If I edit the meeting/call, the info is there. I also looked in the database tables, and the information appears to be there.


Hi, welcome.

That sounds like your permissions aren’t set correctly, so SuiteCRM is crashing (white screen) during a basic operation. It seems it can write the database, but cannot show you the following screen (probably because it can’t write to its cache).

One of your logs is probably telling you what went wrong.

Please share some details about your OS, PHP version, database, SuiteCRM version so we can help better.

I reinstalled without the demo data, and all is fine.