New install...Cant log in session expired

HI guys

I successfully intalled suitecrm on a window 7 box earlier without a hitch, I then preceded to do te same on a Windows 10 machine, all went well however when i come to log in i get kucked out after a few seconeds with th eerror “You have been logged out because your session has expired”.

Is this a windows 10 issue?


No, I wouldn’t say it’s Windows 10 issue, though it might well have something to do with PHP versions and settings in php.ini.

What do you see in your logs?

I followed the instructions in the youtube video here.

Maye its something to do with the changes he recommends in the php.ini file:

  • change value of upload_max_filesize
    from 2M to 10M

  • uncomment ( remove semicolon ) imap extension
    from ;extension=php_imap.dll to extension=php_imap.dll

  • change max_execution_time value
    from max_execution_time=30 to max_execution_time=600


So it works now?