So no the ListView of my custom module wont return records. The page loads but no record list. I can see newly created records in the side panel and view them. These issues are making me crazy at this point. This is a new installation
A never-ending stream of issues on a new installation is normally caused by wrong permissions. I can help you figure that out if you give me some more information:
Your operating system is ____
Your SuiteCRM version is _____
Are you on a shared hosting or is this your own server?
Do you have SSH access to your server?
If you go into Admin / Schedulers, what does the text at the bottom say? The one about setting up cron jobs.
If you can, give this command from the root of your SuiteCRM installation, and post the results here:
ls -al
Ubuntu. My Server. Ssh yes. Suite 7.9.7. Permissions currently set to 777 testing this issue
Good. Remember that permissions don’t mean anything without ownerships.
These are the recommended commands for installation:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Change www-data if necessary, to match your web server user.
You might also need PHP modules, here you can find some instructions for Ubuntu 16.04 and PHP 7.0:
Set ownership and all permissions as listed above. Still no ListView records.
If you answer 5 and 6 (above) I can make sure everything is correct.
Meanwhile, you can also check your logs for any specific errors.
In order to run SuiteCRM Schedulers, edit your web server user’s crontab file with this command:
sudo crontab -e -u www-data
… and add the following line to the crontab file:
cd /var/www/html/afscmedb-v4; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
This is present in the cron config
ownership is all set to www-data and permissions all look correct
SuiteCRM Log
Tue Nov 14 06:14:09 2017 [4754][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT , locte_local_template.lcl_affiliate_number , LTRIM(RTRIM(CONCAT(IFNULL($
LEFT JOIN ainfo_afscme_specific_info jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0
AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN locte_local_template_afcbu_cbu_c jtl1 ON AND jtl1.deleted=0
That is the module Im working on
There are two more things that might need to be checked regarding permissions:
- sticky bits in directories
- any .htaccess file changing accesses
But let’s leave that for now, fixing the error in the logs looks more promising. It looks like your custom module is causing SuiteCRM to break.
You can try doing a Quick Repair and Rebuild, and then scrolling down to the bottom to see if there is a button to “sync vardefs with database”. If so, press it.
If not, either try to disable that module, or re-deploy it. If you’re moving it from another server, make sure you pay attention to the database table fields_meta_data.
See here for details:
Syncing Vardefs did it.
I figured out what occured as well. My module was built in the module builder with relationships to 4 other modules. One of these I deleted after saving as I changed my mind on structure. however the relationship stayed in the custom folder. After this was deleted I received a different error in the log, unable to insert. Syncing VarDefs apparently corrects this issue.
Thank you for all the help