MultiSelect Custom Field does note Update in Employee Module


I found a bug (probably imported from Sugar) with employees module when a custom multiselect field is added using Studio.

After saving, the value for β€œdistrito_c” field passed to update statement is empty:

UPDATE users_cstm SET teste_c=β€˜PO’ ,testesmulti_c=’’ ,distrito_c=’’ WHERE id_c=β€˜65fa004e-f7df-59c6-0d34-52ed2180152e’

If you use the Users module instead, we are succeded:

Query:UPDATE users_cstm SET teste_c=β€˜PO’ ,testesmulti_c=’’ ,distrito_c=’^BJ^,^BR^,^BG^’ WHERE id_c=β€˜65fa004e-f7df-59c6-0d34-52ed2180152e’

Any Idea on how to correct this?


Vitor Monteiro

Hi Vitor,

Thanks for highlighting this.

