Hello there,
The meetings module displaying multiples records for the same meeting which has few attendees. Is it normal behavior of meetings module or is it a bug?
Please help to understand it!
Hello there,
The meetings module displaying multiples records for the same meeting which has few attendees. Is it normal behavior of meetings module or is it a bug?
Please help to understand it!
Does anyone know about it?
Per related user, I only have one meeting in the list view.
As soon as I add multiple contacts, the meeting is displaye multiple times with the related to the 2nd, 3rd, etc. contact.
The confusing bit is, not the flex related is changed - that stays with the initial, first user.
There is a relationship: meetings_contacts
In the list view, you can see the constraint / why this has been developed in this way:
Exactly. It has only one ID and record in the DB, but in the UI, it displays multiple records for all contacts added.
Maybe, it is developed like that as you said.
That’s how it works. If 4 people are in a meeting then you will see 4 records in list view. That’s how it’ always worked. Maybe not the best way to display it, but that is default behavior for as long as I can remember.