Module Logic hook not running any more

Hey guys, Since I have updated to from version 7.11.19-1 to 7.12.2, i have been
experiencing some errors.

Everything started from here: Workflow. Send email. Custom module

I worked out by creatin a module logic hook that copies account email on custom-module email. Like this:

I have created this file: /bitnami/suitecrm/custom/modules/seg_Polizas/Logic_Hooks-php

 $hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(

And then created this file:



if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

class after_save_hook
    function setEmailDeCuenta($bean, $event, $arguments)
		$account = new Account(); // So this links $account to the Accounts module?
		$account->retrieve($bean->account_id_c); // This is the label of the field in Accounts that has the account name - which is what we search for in Cases when creating a new case, so once this account is selected, the below should be filled in?

		// $bean is your current record being saved. 
		// $account is the related account.
		$bean->email_notificaciones = $account->email1; // These are the field in Accounts that I want to be shown in Cases once the Account has been selected (before saving the case)


When i add a new poliza (custom module) the email field isnt copied from de account info.

Nothing displayed on the log file.

Could it be a permission issue? Any Help is very welcome!


Add the below to see if it works:


if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

class after_save_hook
    function setEmailDeCuenta($bean, $event, $arguments)
               require_once('modules/Accounts/Account.php');  // Calling the Accounts file because it's a external module for your custom module
		$account = new Account(); // So this links $account to the Accounts module?
		$account->retrieve($bean->account_id_c); // This is the label of the field in Accounts that has the account name - which is what we search for in Cases when creating a new case, so once this account is selected, the below should be filled in?

		// $bean is your current record being saved. 
		// $account is the related account.
		$bean->email_notificaciones = $account->email1; // These are the field in Accounts that I want to be shown in Cases once the Account has been selected (before saving the case)

// Add this line to save a checking point in the logs to make sure your code is working
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Checking if my code works!!!');

Thanks @BrozTechnologies for your reply. But nothing seems to work any more. I have other issues like this: Problem with Reports Module.
For all this said i will make a fresh new 7.12 installation and perform all customizations again in order to get it working propperly.