Module Builder Not Saving Fields


I wrote the file for exmple only. I saw the problem for the fields too but it wasn’t so critical for me. Perhapts you fixed it for fields but for relationships this is present yet.

Look at my method buildNewRelationship in file: custom/modules/DynamicFields/ConfigCollection.php
and analyze system

  1. method load in file:
  2. method install_relationships in file:

The problem in next situation.

  1. SuiteCRM read the file for analyze current relationships.
  2. When the new relationship build the file is rebuilded from files of directiory (custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary).
  3. The last step is creaing new table in database but the file has been loaded into the memory alrady and after that the new table is’t created.

Hi @rmint,

I checked the upgrade packages to version 7.11.20: the required changes are in there, so a fresh install won’t help you.

I’m puzzled why this issue still emerges on your installation with version 7.11.20.

Can you confirm again that when you disable opcache on SuiteCRM 7.11.20 the saving fields problem is solved and when you enable it, the saving fields problem emerges again?

Can you also give the specs of your PHP version? (output of phpinfo() would be helpful)