Module adaption/creation


I am looking to use Suite CRM for a database that will serve to keep track of projects, companies and individuals. These are not projects that we will be doing. These are projects already done and completed. Suite CRM works almost perfectly out fo the box, and is well suited for the job.

But, we need to adapt the project module, or create a new subpanel to make it fit even better.

You see, we need to have a place to list a number of parameters. Each of these parameters will have a drop down menu, or if possible a list of options and radio buttons to chose one or all that describe the project.

The module could be called Project Parameters.

Can we relatively easily adapt an existing module, or create a new one to achieve our goal?

If it is (and I think it is possible), I am a newbie when working on module. I have played with simple menus, but modules, new territory for me. Are there smple guides?




  1. If you are in need to have upside down changes for your need. then you should opted for custom module creation using Module Builder(Admin->Module builder). so it won’t make huge problem during upgrade to newer version of SuiteCRM.

  2. But you need to have custom fields and custom relationship and some basic logic hook on specific event, then you should adopt built-in module, create custom field and custom dropdown as per your need.

Hope it helps you.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Our idea is basically yo have about 6-7 new fields that will be specific data about a project. So, it will be in the project module we are looking.

We will not use the moduile for new and current projects, but as a place to leave information about completed projects only.

We want to leave mayeb 6-7 pieces of information for each projects listed in suitecrm. Example:

average age

Once this is entered in, we will then use a mapping program to search for the project data in the suitecrm database (read mode only), and place them on a map of an area where we want to show all the projects, and have basic information on the project made available upon clicking a link on the map.

The data will be of no use with in the CRM< context, a part from maybe allowing it to be searchable to find sertai nprojects.

So, I believe that modifying the project module might be th ebext option.

Do you agree?

If this is the way to go, I need to learn how to modify a module. I can log in to the module admin area. But, are there any module creation/modification workbooks, or guide books?



Hello Joseph,

Agree, You should use the built-in module. to create a custom field It is quite simple and self-explanatory.

Go to Admin->Studio-> Select Your module,

  1. Create field
  2. Select Layout Add a field to view Edit View and Save and Deploy, similarly for Detail, and List and save and deploy!

Hope it will help you!

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I was able to log in to admin area and open up the editview. and detail view., When I get to detail view, there seems to be an option that I can just copy ino form the edit view. This is OK to do it this way?

But, I do not see anyway to add fields.

I can use the ones that already exist. I just drag them over.

But, I need to create new ones. How?

Also, when making these new fields, can we make them either open fields where we type in what ever info that we need?

Can we also opt for having a drop down menu, in the case where there is a limited number of options available for this field?

If so, how to choose this?



I also wanted to see how changes that I make will be affected, or not, by upgrades to the system?

Will I have to do anything special when upgrading?

I ask for the module changes, but also, I plan on removing various modules that we do not need for our project.

Thanks again


Hello Joseph,

I would suggest you should go through user and administrator guide to gain maximum functionality.
You can go through administrator guide of community version of SugarCRM it will cover module builder, studio and all supported field type and more. you can download it from here