Is it possible to customise the Scheduling section of the Meetings module?
I can’t seem to find it in the studio.
Thanks in advanced
Is it possible to customise the Scheduling section of the Meetings module?
I can’t seem to find it in the studio.
Thanks in advanced
I guess not then?
Please explain more in detail what you would like to achieve.
One of the nice things about SuiteCRM is that nearly everything can be customised. So it probably is.
When creating an event in the calendar, I’d like to change the fields under “Add Invitees”
Currently there’s “first name, last name, email”
I’l like to replace those fields with other fields
. post pictures of the screens involved
. explain thouroughly what you want to achieve
. specify what version of SuiteCRM you are using
Running SuiteCRM Version 7.8.2
In Meetings > Schedule Meeting
Scroll down to Scheduling
First Name, Last Name and Email under Add Invitees is what I want to change
In Studio > Meetings > EditView I can’t see the scheduling section
Unfortunately I wouldn’t know how to achieve it.
However I digged a bit in the code and I found a file in which, at least part of the job is perfomed:
Unfortunately I don’t understand precisely how the search is achieved so I am unable to help further.
If you modify this file you will probbaly have to modify also a language file found at:
(to add the new labels).
All modifications will require also a Quick Repair and Rebuild, rebuilding all js/javascript as well as clearing the browser cache.
I recommend that you work on a test environment so that you do not endanger your system with its data.
Last but not least: modifying these files will be non-upgrade safe so, each time that you run an upgrade to a newer version it will be wise to take a full back-up and you may also have to restore your modifications.
There may be a way to achieve it in an upgrade safe way but I am not sure if the normal way of customising files (putting them in a corresponding folder under the custom directory) would work for these files.