Market Intelligence


I’ve been asked ift it is possible to use SuiteCRM as a repository for our Market Intelligence. This may or may not initially be linked to a specific customer and needs to be searchable and flag the intelligence to certain members. Is there anything that does this or something I could tweak that would do it? Ideally free.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Canford,

SuiteCRM/SugarCRM is Customer Relationship Management software. It is widely extensible and you could record Marketing Intelligence by creating a new ‘Marketing Intelligence’ module which would record all relevant data which you could relate to your customers and can be searchable on all fields/data.



Thanks Will.

What if the intelligence is about a project that hasn’t been allocated/won by one of our customers?

Hi Canford,

You can use modules such as Opportunities which track the Sales Stage of a project. This could be associated to the marketing intelligence. For example, you could create an Opportunity record and add marketing intelligence records associated to that Opportunity and as that progresses, record information against it.

