Make 1:N relationship non-exclusive?

Hi, I have two modules which have an 1:N relationship between each other.

I am trying to implement a relationship such as a primary vehicle class assignment,
Ford Mustang --> Car
Dodge Viper --> Car
… -> Car

“Car” should be a valid selection for N cars but each car has only one primary vehicle class (so there is a hard limit to 1). SuiteCRM seems to treat the references to the vehicle-class module exclusive and if another record selects “CAR” the previous record looses the link. Is there a way to disable this and allow non-exclusive relationships?

I would be fine with an N:N relationship but I would need then to limit the selection to at most one record, it this doable?

Hi, @karada
I correctly understand you, that:
“1 car” is “Ford Mustang”
“2 car” is “Ford Mustang”
“3 car” is “Dodge Viper”
“4 car” is “Dodge Viper”

yes, “car” is a valid option for multiple cars and I might have N “ford mustang” (the names are ambiguous, too) which would all need refer “car” as vehicle type.

It a standard situation for 1-N relationship. You can select type “Ford Mustang” for “1 car”, “2 car”, “7 car” and ect in editview form for car. I don’t see any problems.