Looking for a way to search by phone number

I have a new contact center technology that integrates with many other CRMs. (SugarCRM officially)

Luckily it allows creating a custom query to pop open a contact’s records if they are in the CRM.



However, it seems that SuiteCRM can’t search by a phone number. What’s the fix for this?

Make sure you have field enabled for global search.
Here are some details about how it works,

I tried with this query string and it works for me.

Yah, I came across and have that turned on, phone numbers still don’t work. Just wondering if I have to go to Elastic Search at this point.

Would really like to pop open the contact’s record as fast as possible. This is becoming an ever increasingly important feature as so many call center technologies are providing it as a feature for other major CRM systems.

In Admin / AOD Settings set it to enabled

In Admin / Global Search set your module enabled

If that still doesn’t work, in the URL, change special characters to their URI encoded equivalents.

Instead of


Unfortunately, that doesn’t work and when making a custom string within the calling app I don’t have control over the variable $phone_number which I append to the URL and produces numbers in this format. 2223334444.

Maybe Elastic Grid is the answer? I managed to setup a docker with it, as per the online guide, HOWEVER…there was no mention on securing that EG with a username and password, which is a huge security vulnerability if hosting online. I searched for the answer but was unsuccessful in the time had to look. If that could be added to the guide in the documentation, I’d try it again.

About Elastic, I’d ask in this category:


About the regular search: if you can try to really understand what is going on with the search, there might be a solution. Is it a problem with the dashes, with the format, or not?

It seems I got it working, without dashes. No one dials phone numbers anymore, so I’ll just force our capture forms to strip ‘().-’ from any numbers before sending them to SuiteCRM.

With this, I’m going to get the Contact Center software provider to add this as officially supported by there system, which will earn SuiteCRM some nice free exposure.

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Still struggling with this. Any suggestions or workarounds would be really nice.

Welcome to community!

Can you give more information? What exactly does not work?

I have exactly the same problem, but the solution described in this topic does not help me, what other solutions are there to this problem?