I recently installed SuiteCRM 7.4 and am unable to login even though I am certain the login/password combination is correct.
I had initially installed 7.3 and the same occurred so I thought uninstalling and a clean install of the latest version may solve the
problem. It did not. I have tried a password reset unfortunately it does not appear to be functioning because no email is ever delivered
allowing a successful reset or change.
I am using namecheap.com and softaculous. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Is it the Admin user you are unable to log-in as, even just after setting the CRM up?
Ensure that you have gone through all the usual checks for Username/Passwords:
i.e: Is Caps lock on? The password is Case-sensitive so this will cause issue when creating/logging into an account.
Also ensure that you do not have any spaces at the beginning or end of both the Username and password fields, as this will also cause issue when creating/logging into an account
Another thing to make sure, is that you are logging in with the correct credentials. Ensure that you are not logging in with the information you enter for the Database, and are trying to login with the information entered on the page shown in the attached image.