Dear All,
I am facing a most weird behavior :ohmy:
Log file is set to DEBUG level.
When I am trying to create a new note and link it to a contact via the Contact’s subpanel or just create a note first and then link it to a contact, the log does NOT include calls to after_relationship_add hook.
Now, I have created a simple workflow that when a new contact is created a new note is automatically created and linked to it. This time the log file DOES include calls to after_relationship_add hook!!!
Thu Nov 3 16:33:08 2016 [7899][c164f48d-078f-6720-bcb8-5816778f72c1][DEBUG] Hook called: Notes::after_relationship_add
Thu Nov 3 16:33:08 2016 [7899][c164f48d-078f-6720-bcb8-5816778f72c1][DEBUG] Hook called: Notes::before_relationship_add
Thu Nov 3 16:33:08 2016 [7899][c164f48d-078f-6720-bcb8-5816778f72c1][DEBUG] Hook called: Contacts::after_relationship_add
Thu Nov 3 16:33:08 2016 [7899][c164f48d-078f-6720-bcb8-5816778f72c1][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class logic_hooks_class without parameters
Again these lines do NOT appear when I am trying manually to link a note with a contact!!! :ohmy:
Any ideas at all would be most welcomed
Many thanks to all
Please post your SuiteCRM version so we can try to replicate your concern
best regards
Thank you Mike for your interest in this
SuiteCRM 7.7.6-0
Bitami virtual machine
Clean just for development purposes
I can post a db dump if you like
Many Thanks again
bitnami… I would not be able to replicate that, sorry. I just don’t like those “boxed - oneclick” systems, but I’ll try to debug it in my way and give it back to you
best regards
So many thanks Mike
If you need anything from me (db dump, dir tar.gz or access to the system) please let me know and I will post asap
Looking forward to hearing from you
So many thanks again
A very good morning Mike
Do you have any news regarding the debugging of this ?
Many thanks
you’re right, I just did my testing and I can’t explain why hahaha and considering this is a core problem and I don’t think that SalesAgilty will be able to fix it
best regards
Mike thank you again for your time and interest in this
I am also glad that I have discovered a core bug. Throughout my old days as a software engineer I used to stumble upon big …insects
That being said I fail to understand what should we/I do from now on regarding this.
Should we report it to someone? Will SalesAgility try to fix it,
I can probably get my hands dirty but I will need knowledge of the core intricacies of the thing to work
Please advise on best course of action
Many thanks again
you should report it on github, as always is there, is something…
best regards