log error for timezone


My logs are filled with this error:
[FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone Asia/Colombo. Please set date.timezone=“Asia/Colombo” in php.ini!

I have two php.ini files as shown by the command sudo find / -iname ‘php.ini’ -print
I have updated both of them, still this error is persistent.

Can someone help me please

Can you try by restarting your webserver to get effect.


best regards

I restart the webserver with every little change to the code. Still no luck.

Have followed every bit of advise on so many of these threads for clearing up this error but know luck.

Running suiteCRM 7.82 with PHP 7.0 on virtual box ubuntu 16.04, any known issues with these configurations to continue this error?

checked my phpinfo() and it says date and time are enabled and to the correct time zone.

set date.timezone =“America/Los_Angeles”

phpinfo() file says that the loaded php.ini file is the apache2 though when running command php -i | grep ‘php.ini’ linux system shows loaded configuration file is
the CLI, is there somehting that should be done there?

Also getting this PHP error with emailing have lookied into this but yet to tackle this error could they be interconnected Error:SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting

Any advice would be much appreciated.