Joomla Portal Component


I have installed the latest Version from SuiteCRM of a Server.
But I canā€™t use the Joomla Portal Component.
I tried this from the Forum:

"For Joomla
Once you have downloaded the Joomla component, you need to navigate to your Joomla admin.
Once there, navigate to Extensions -> Extensions Manager.
There is an upload option. Upload the Joomla AOP component zip.
Once uploaded, navigate to Components -> advanced-openportal.
Here you need to specify your SugarCRM URL/username/password.

For SuiteCRM

Navigate to Admin -> AOP Settings. Here you need to check the box ā€˜Enable Portalā€™ and
then enter the url for your Joomla instance where the portal is located.
Save these settings.

Navigate to the contact you wish to create a portal user for.
Ensure it has an email address. In the action menu, there should be an option ā€˜Create Portal Userā€™.
Clicking on this will give you a confirmation that the portal user has been created.
An email will be sent to the contact with the URL of the portal and their login credentials."

My Joomla-Homepage canā€™t connect to the CRM.
I use this: - user: admin - passwort: password.
Furthermore I canā€™t create a portal user.
What I doing wrong? :frowning:
Thank for a answer.

Did you get this to work? Seems the Joomla 5 support is nowhere and its a pity where Joomla 5 is very fast, stable, secure & easy fast to set up.

Iā€™ve tried to use Joomla 5 and try to fix all the PHP errors that happen one by one to get the existing Joomla code to work. I did make some progress, but I donā€™t think this was a good strategy, there are just too many changes required. I think it requires a whole re-write.

I think there is a WordPress plugin in the store. Thatā€™s probably a better solution.

Thank you! Okay, I will check this add-on details.

CRMJetty - SuiteCRM Customer Portal in WordPress | SuiteCRM Module

Looks like people tried it on 7.10 & 7.11 but no one tried on 7.13 yet.

Iā€™ve worked with the WP Portal, which was ok.

The Joomla version is a pity, that it got stuck at v3.
Iā€™d not install a deprecated and old version of a CMS.
As you said Paul: The plugin requires a re-write.

And Iā€™ve used Drupal as a portal, integrated via the API - that approach so far was quite useful, since the APIs wonā€™t be as quickly deprecated as a plugin.
Additionally, not using a fixed plugin on the CMS side of things, brings a lot of flexibility.

So with CRMJetty, the user experience is more like a self service portal reflecting the CRM structure (download my invoices, see my projects, etc.)

With Drupal itā€™s more flexible. One can reflect the CRM structure but one can also built up features / processes / customer experience that matches the brand and company better.
And the nice the about Drupal is, other plugins work extremely well together with the whole ecosystem of Drupal - what is unfortunately not true for WordPress.

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If you (or anyone reading this) would be interested in donating to a crowd fund to support work to convert the Portal to be compatible with the current supported Joomla version, Joomla 5.0, then please like this reply, and optionally reply here!

I was never a big Joomla fan - easier than Drupal, more flexible than WordPress - but still, ā€œonlyā€ in the middle and not shining on either side.
System wise I think for scale / reach on top of WordPress would be a better choice.
For options to build upon, Drupal might be better.

Overall, those three seem to be the ā€œold typesā€ of CMS (coming from the monolith).
Headless is the ā€œnew kidā€ - whether itā€™s better / easier / more reasonable / fitting more requirements one would have to see in specific cases.
There might be other options like low code tools or similar which could fit in some cases as well.
Real open source alternatives on JS seem to not exist (yet?) (open source, self hosted, big community).

Just, rather than simply asking for Joomla and whether people want to have a rewrite, maybe reconsider the current market and see whether Joomla is the right CMS to look for.,Joomla,Drupal&hl=de
Yes, they all dropped in popularity and SaaS / JS gained over the years in general.
The specific requirements for customer / partner portals is probably way different than the brought market.
Just from the numbers there, Iā€™d still be very sceptical about the middle- to long-term Joomla future.
Drupal seems to be only slightly better overall, but it seems to be a way better / clearer positioning and standing towards the more complex / multilang / enterprise market:

This should not a Joomla bashing here.
Just trying to look at strategic marketing tech decisions for the next few years - ideally without huge dev budgets on React / Angular side.

Thatā€™s a great idea :bulb: :money_with_wings:

Maybe you could add your code to github repo and ask others to contribute to it, so it will support joomla 5 :face_with_peeking_eye: :upside_down_face:

I donā€™t think that strategy is going to work. Joomla 5 is completely restructured. Everything needs rebuilt.

IMHO all of the many many thousands of existing Joomla 3 based Suite Portals desperately need the update to the currently supported version J5, to protect user personal data from easy hacking on J3, because itā€™s required by privacy regulations. Supporting another CMS can happen if users demand an open source Drupal/WP/JS based Portal, these could get sponsored and built by the community.

To update the Suite Portal from J3 to J4 (and then an easy step to update it to J5), I suggest starting with There are a number of associated videos which help understand the Joomla 4 concepts. Once the Suite Portal is at J4, upgrading it to J5 support is fast and simple.

Thereā€™s also documentation at and Select the 5.0 version at the top.

Check also
/libraries/classmap.php in J4.
/plugins/behaviour/compat/src/classmap/classmap.php in J5
Itā€™s a list of the namespaces you should be using now to access the J classes.

Unfortunately updating the Portal by taking the leap from J3 to J4 requires a lot of work, but it really is better at the end of the day, and then you get the Portal to J5 fast and easy.