Job c26b373d-5847-c71e-1df0-5f1b95a3382c (Run Email Reminder Notifications) failed in CRON run

Just try deleting that call and creating it again.

The id of the user for the reminder is not being successfully retrieved from the database. This might be a transient error, caused by some changes to your own user, or by some other previous error when creating the call.

Anyway it would be nice to know that the workflow runs correctly if that problematic call doesn’t exist at all. Later you can try re-creating it and diagnosing what else needs to be fixed

Actually I haven’t created that call, it created automatically after I set “Renewal Reminder Date” of a Contract and after I saw a Call record in a homepage I just assigned it to an Invitee just to make sure that Invitee get the Email Reminder of that call record (because contract manager hasn’t received any email reminder of the contract renewal reminder so far).

I hope you get what I meant.

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