we ran into an issue where we have a workflow that looks at meetings and is supposed to create a task based on info from the meeting. the task dues date should be derived from the meeting start date + 48 hours. for some reason, the tasks that are being created by the workflow have a due date of date created + 48 hours.
I have tried this and it works fine on my end.
It may be worth checking if the start date on the meeting record itself is correct. It could be equal to “Date Created” somehow.
The only difference I can see between the Workflow I have created and yours, is that my “‘Start Date’ + 2 Days” has a colon, while yours does not.
I have attached a screenshot of mine to show what I mean.
If you have not edited the “start date” label for meetings it could be that you are selecting the wrong field.
Thank you for your reply. I actually came across another entry in this forum after submitting this post last Friday, which fixed the issue once we applied it.