Issue with Emails

I should be able to see the email sent from SuiteCRM, it’s like a basic must have. Otherwise, it’s kinda bad.
I don’t see the INBOX that I’ve selected in activities → emails. I did go in my profile, emails settings and I selected the INBOX from my inbound email. When I go into activities → emails, I see the button in the top right but other than that nothing.
I use the system email account to send emails on SuiteCRM.

Hey @SarahJS one would think that would work, but it doesn’t. You can see INBOX only.

You should see the inbox (make sure you setup a personal account and NOT a group account. Group accounts do not work).

You can’t send throught the system email account from your user account unless you specifically allow this in admin → email settings.

Hello @pstevens, I configure a personal inbound email. I tried to send an email with the system outbound email (same as my personal inbound email). The mail is sent and I receive it correctly. So I tried to reply to it but I cannot see my response on SuiteCRM. If I understand correctly what you were saying, because you can only see INBOX, I should be able to see my response on SuiteCRM right ?

Yes you should see your respons in your in box if it is in ypur in box, you’ve subscribed to the folder and you have selected that folder for viewing

I just selected it in my profile emails settings. Do I have to do something else in addition to make it work ? Maybe I forgot a step

Yes, you need to click on the inbox button in emails and switch to the profile in activities-> emails

I clicked on the button on the top right in activities → emails. It show a list INBOX where there is in it the draft, the sent and the trash. When I select the INBOX, it’s loading then I return on an blank email view

Check what errors you have in log files.

Same errors as before :

Thu Aug  1 13:58:12 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:12 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "IMAP open error: Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authenti>
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "IMAP open error | debug data"
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "ImapHandler:open: {\/service=imap\/tls\/ssl\/secure}INBOX"
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "ImapHandler:open: mymail"
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "ImapHandler:open: password is empty: no"
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "ImapHandler:open: 32768"
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "IMAP open error | debug data end "
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] An Imap error detected: "IMAP open error:Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentic>
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][FATAL] Couldn't connect to mail server id: c7464965-b7ba-ee33-5526-66ab347c96c2
Thu Aug  1 13:58:17 2024 [11444][7024ba96-7523-8954-a622-6399e4c5a8e5][ERROR] Unable to connect to IMAP server.

Your password is incorrect from the error log. Authentication failed.

Each time you save the inbound account you must re-enter and save your password, otherwise it wipes it out. If you went back in and linked the accounts to outbound, or changed your signature, you must re-enter and test the folder look up each time.

If you go into your inbound account, re enter the password, then re test the folders connection. Then save. Don’t do anything else and it will work.

8sugest Check your host IN mail port, if it is not blocked just to duscard block action on it. If U like code line assist service with cost let me know.

So, everything you suggest so far didn’t work so I tried to do the same as I did for outbound emails.
I hard-coded the password of inbound email in include/Imap/Imap2Handler.php and it’s working.
I really think there is a bug within SuiteCRM with passwords because I can only make working outbound and inbound only when I pass the password in config file. That means either the password is not retrieve through SuiteCRM interface or it’s not correctly decoded from the database hash. But it’s not a configuration on my side problem.
PS : SuiteCRM is in 7.14.4 and PHP is in 8.2.