Issue Installing SuiteCRM 8.4.0 on Windows - Missing Dependencies and Build Errors

Hi all,

I’m trying to install SuiteCRM 8.4.0 on my Windows machine, but I’m running into issues during the build process.

Even after following the recommended steps to clear node_modules and reinstall dependencies, the problem persists. You’ve also updated Angular CLI and other related packages, but the core issue—getting the system to build correctly—has not been resolved.

Has anyone successfully installed SuiteCRM 8.4.0 on a Windows environment? Any tips or solutions for resolving these build errors would be extremely helpful.

Looking forward to your insights and suggestions!

Thank you!

I use it on Windows but going through WSL to Ubuntu 22.

My tip is that Angular v18 sounds too new for SuiteCRM 8.4. Did you check the versions in the compatibility matrix?

I suggest keeping Angular 18 but going for the latest SuiteCRM… v8.4 is really old and frankly, much worse than the current one.

Currently, im working on a plugin. so want to make it compatible for each version so that i need to install suitecrm 8.4.0 and then test it…

Yes I have also compatibility matrix and each version is same as mention on documentation…

also i have the angular documentation for compatibility but not get the write solution of these errors…

But if you keep 8.4, does using a lower Angular version solve those specific problems? At least that way you would know that is the cause.

If you have nvm installed (I recommend it), switching versions is easy and this shouldn’t be too hard to test.

@pgr i have resolve my issue now. But i appreciate your efforts and time Thank You!

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