Issue: Custom Module ListView using a 'Relate' field

Created a custom module with two ‘relates’ into Account. One for Manufacturers, the other for Insurers .

When I put one of these fields into the ListView, the listview will show no records. When I remove these relate fields from the custom module, I see the records.

So, is there a limitation of using relate fields in list views, or should I be able do and I’m doing something wrong/ or could this be a bug. If a bug, you want the steps to reproduce I bet.


What’s your intention, why do you want your custom module’s ListView to show Manufacturers and Insurers (each referring to an Account / Company in the Accounts module) ?

I believe I stated the intention.
"Created a custom module with two ‘relates’ into Account. One for Manufacturers, the other for Insurers .
Manufacturers and Insurers are Accounts.
This custom module does something else.
For this custom module, I need to indicate the Manufacturer and the Insurer.

Why? Because that is what the Business Analysts want.

Removed all trace of modules. Reconstructed. Works.
You can close.