Is possible to add editor in update_text in case detail view?

Is possible to add editor in update_text in case detail view ?

I think it should be there. Have a look at the online demo.

And tell us your SuiteCRM version and check the browser’s developer console for any errors when opening that screen

I have never seen editor in detail view of case module for update_text.

The editor is visible only for edit view for the same field.

I am sharing the code , this is not for Suitecrm 8 . 

1) Create custom view in detail view.

> Blockquote

require_once 'include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php';

if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

class CasesViewDetail extends ViewDetail



    public function display()



        echo  "<script>$(document).ready(function(){"

            . "

            tinyMCE.init({'height':250,'menubar':false,'plugins':'code, table, link, image, wordcount, media, imagetools, template, anchor, codesample, fullscreen','selector':'#case_updates #update_text','toolbar1':'fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | forecolor backcolor | styleselect | fullscreen | outdent indent | link image | code table | image media template link anchor codesample'})



