Is it possible to make multi dashlets for 3 Sales Rep individually?

Is it possible to make multi dashlets for 3 Sales Rep individually? PLease advice.
How can I show the multi reports based on Leads name and its Status.

can you try to explain a bit more what you’re trying to achieve? As far as I understand its totally possible to have individual dashboards per user (out-of-the-box feature).

Hi Diligent,
Good Afternoon. Currently we have generated a Dashlet report for all Leads. Please check below screenshot.

But in this case, My client told that they have 3 Sales Rep(John, Mary & Williams).
So they want to show 3 individual reports for each sales Rep on SuiteCRM homepage.

Like that we want to show 3 reports on homepage of SuiteCRM.

in this case, it should be enough to prepare three different reports and add them to the dashboard. the sales rep. is a condition for each report.

Hi, Could you please expain with the reports workflow screenshots?

first of all, if needed, you could do the same with a stacked bar chart:


in this case, you do not have to create a report per sales rep. - the system adds a bar for each user that is returned by the query - might be a benefit for bigger organizations.

So if you go for the first option (1 report per sales rep): go to conditions and filter the opportunities as you wish (in the shown example above, I used the “assigned to” field).

If you go for the second option, choose the chart type “stacked bar” (for this chart type, you have to use the “main group” too - but you don’t need to filter for sales guys :slight_smile: ).

Thanks Great.

Could you please send me the steps to make that above reports?

here you go:

field selection:


conditions are empty

Thank You So much…
We will call if we have any doubts…

Hi Dilligent,
Could you please send the above chart workflow screenshots for leads? Because we have leads not oppurtunities.

Chart settings:

Here we got the results without the Assigned User’s name . Please advice for leads not opputunities.

I believe thats just a bug, because the lead was assigned to the admin (who has id=1). take any other user, you should see the user name appearing.

Thanks… Now its working Fine…