Is it possible to display a subpanel in list view?

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to display a custom subpanel in a view.list.php file, and if it is some example of how to do it.

What is your suitecrm version? What are you trying to do here?

Why do you want subpanel in the list view?

I am using a suitecrm_version 7.14.1 and want to display 2 lists of invoices in a custom module, in List1 will be shown a list of invoices not sent, and in List2 will be shown a list of invoices that were already sent. I want to use subpanels because I was unable to dispay the data from the database in a normal list.

:thinking: that’s interesting no idea how to achieve it.

I wouldn’t try it like that, you will find it is quite difficult.

Two easier alternatives:

  1. Create two subpanels inside some other record view (where it makes sense): for example, in accounts detail view, two subpanels with sent/not sent invoices for that account. See tutorial.

  2. (no coding involved) Create two saved filters in List view with your required conditions. Then you can easily switch between them just with a click.