Invitees search in Call modules show only contacts all of a sudden!no more users and leads

I have customized the module Call quite a bit, but users and leads where showing normally in the search invitees section. Now only contactsā€¦I have nothing neither in PHP log or suitecrm log.
Donā€™t know what ti fix nowā€¦please help!!!

Please give some more information.

  • How you ā€œcustomized the module Callā€?
  • What do you see now (screenshot)?

well in the creation of a call as you see from the screenshots, the bottom search shows only contacts. I have added a custom search ā€˜seleziona invitati da hcoā€™ in which you select a hospital ā€˜security groupā€™ and searching you get another list with the doctors of that hospital ā€˜contactsā€™. To do this last thing I have reproduced the invitees_search function of suitecrm and the related object building a custom action between controller and my custom js.

The thing is that everything was working normallyā€¦than for some reason it is not showing the users and leads in the bottom search by name/surname/email and in the logs I get nothingā€¦

please help!!!

It might be related to the call related to the search which response gives only contacts, the call is:

What happen if you push the standard for the Suite button ā€˜searchā€™ without parameters? If you see contacts only I think that itā€™s conflict custom and system search buttons.

ok, I think that at this point I should try adding the leads and users table as well in my custom action, then weā€™ll seeā€¦will let you know soon, thanks!

actually I fixed it in the jsclass_scheduler.js in the meeting moduleā€¦there was a var:
var query={ā€œmodulesā€:[ā€œContactsā€]ā€¦

changed it in:
var query={ā€œmodulesā€:[ā€œUsersā€,ā€œContactsā€,ā€œLeadsā€]ā€¦

and after repair, removing cache, adding permissionsā€¦it finally worked !

Hope this helps someone, thanks anyway @p.konetskiy

I recommend to check file jsclass_scheduler.js because the array ā€˜modulesā€™ has all list modules default present. The code copy from the file:

	var query = {

I see, mine ha a var query commented with all 3 the modules, and another var query with only contactsā€¦

donā€™t know why really! anyway thanks, I will check this before putting everything in production!!!