Instructions / Tutorial for the creation of pdf-templates

Are there any instructions (except the ones from the administrator/user guide) which goes a bit more into the detail of the creation of pdf-templates?

Unfortunately, the pdf-template editor doesn’t behave as expected, but I can’t figure out why.

One major question is e.g.:
If I have a quote item like $aos_line_item_groups_name: Sometimes it does the repetition (in case I have 2 quote groups) just for that line, especially if I start with a predefined template.

If I create my html code in a different WYSIWIG editor, then paste it into the html-window of the pdf-template editor and add the $aos_line_item_groups_name at the right place, it looks good in the WYSIWIG editor, however if I use PRINT PDF in the quote-module, it either

  • shows the whole document twice (it repeats the textlines above)
  • shows only the groups_names, but not the texlines above

How can I know, which section it will repeat and which one not? Any idea?

Code of the template, which cuts off anything above $aos_line_item_groups_name:

Sample GmbH

Street 8
37483 Place

{DATE d.m.Y}

$aos_quotes_billing_address_postalcode $aos_quotes_billing_address_city

Quote for EC-REP Services

Dear $billing_contact_salutation $billing_contact_last_name

We are pleased to present you our quote for the services of the EC Rep.


$aos_products_quotes_item_description $aos_products_quotes_product_total_price $currencies_iso4217
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Did you find any answer on Duplicate content under groups?