Installation stops during setup

I quit my attemps on installing SuiteCRM on my Hosted platform. I guess it is through restrictions on for example PHP or other security settings that brought me to this problems. Just bought a Raspberry Pi Model 2. I will give it a try there :cheer:

I’m having the same issue on a new install on my own server.
It seems from what I see is that the DB is never installed and things fail from there (can’t find tables, etc).

I’ve tried with the database created (i.e. exists, but is blank) and without the db created. Both fail, although when I ran the install without the db created, the installer got a bit further, ultimately, still failing to fully install.

I got the installation to continue and ultimately finish by tripling the amount of RAM required (install says 40). I tried with changing php.ini to 64MB, install hung and failed. Upped it to 128MB and finally it worked!
I think the final page said that the memory usage was around 60MB for the install (so, even with php.ini at 64MB, it wasn’t enough).

So, those out there with a hanging install, see if you can bump the RAM, even temporarily.

At the end i did succeed in installing SuiteCRM at my hosting provider. I had to take several steps to fix all te installer problems.

First i had to add these lines to the .htaccesfile:
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 20M
php_value max_execution_time 200
php_value max_input_time 200

Then i changed a line of code in the Upload_file.php file to : $configuration = ini_get_all(‘suhosin’);

 ==> in the original it had an extra "false".

Then after a freeze in the install i added error display on for PHP:
Added this lines to the .htaccess:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value memory_limit 128M

At the end i stil got errors. I fixed it with this lines of code to the config_override.php file:

$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled’] = true; // Disables all external caching
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_apc’] = true; // Disables APC
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_memcache’] = true; // Disables Memcache
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_memcached’] = true; // Disables Memcached
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_redis’] = true; // Disables Redis
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_smash’] = true; // Disables sMash
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_wincache’] = true; // Disables Wincache
$sugar_config[‘external_cache_disabled_zend’] = true; // Disables Zend

That did the trick. Many hours of work and assistence from my hosting provider i succeeded. Now i am very satisfied with SuiteCRM !!!
